Jupiter not only reigns supreme in the solar system, but also contains many fascinating features.
Jupiter, the gas giant and a powerful force in our solar system, is about twice as large as the rest of the planets. Jupiter tends to be our ally, for the majority.
Jupiter, which is located between Saturn & Mars, acts as an Earth sentinel. Jupiter’s weight and immense gravitational force often allows it to trap, eject, redirect or redirect space rocks potentially dangerous from our solar system. Jupiter’s protective role in the solar system isn’t its only interesting characteristic.
Jupiter is large, although it might seem obvious. It’s almost impossible to visualize how large Jupiter is. Yes, it’s approximately 11 times wider than Earth but is that really what it looks like from the outside?
Jupiter, on the other hand, would be Earth a gumball. It would be a bulbous, transparent glass sphere sitting on top a standing gumball machine. Jupiter could accommodate around 1,300 earths inside it, that is to say. If Earth were to disappear suddenly, the solar systems would sense the gravitational perturbation. It would also leave our solar systems in chaos if Jupiter vanished.
What kind of Jupiter would it be without its stripes The Great Red Spot, which is the most iconic feature of the gas giants, would not be as well-known without the multicolored streaks that run across its face. Jupiter’s distinctive stripes are due to the chemistry in its atmosphere. But, the striped pattern actually comes from zonal flow winds, which blow east-west around Jupiter at alternating speeds. These zonal winds are similar to Earth’s jet streams. Jupiter has no geographical features that would interrupt these winds like Earth. Therefore, the zonal flows run in (mostly), straight lines. This creates the iconic stripes.
The Great Red Spot is an enormous storm larger than Earth that can destroy smaller storms. The counterclockwise-moving storm — an anticyclone — boasts wind speeds as high as 300 miles per hour (482 km/h). This remarkable feature, has been observed since 1830. It may have been visible as far back 1660s. It has long been a source both of fascination and scientific investigation.
Galileo Galilei’s discovery of the four large satellites Jupiter in 1610 has been viewed by more people that any other planetary satellite. Amateur astronomers can now capture amazing images of Jupiter, its moons, and other objects thanks to digital imaging and processing that has made it possible for them to use small telescopes.
The Moons form a distinct group that includes bodies that could each be considered planets. These bodies are linked to Jupiter and considered small analogs of the larger solar systems.
A penny dropped from the skies of Jupiter would not land with a “clink.” Instead hydrogen is present at temperatures and pressures where there are no sharp boundaries between solid, fluid, and gas states.
Gas giants can have layers. With a very impressive protective suit, you would dive into Jupiter and swim through a turbulent atmosphere of hydrogen. Next, you would go through layers after layers of ammonia clouds. Then, you would move through sulfide clouds. Finally, you would reach a point where “floating” would be possible.
Even if you could lose more weight, you would still sink into a thick layer containing metallic hydrogen. This is where electrons as well as protons travel separately. The temperature would rise to around 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit (19.500 degrees Celsius) as you continued diving.
As you can see Jupiter is truly one of the great wonders of our sun. Since hundreds of years ago, astronomers have been uncovering the mysteries. There are certain to be more.